Stephanie works in manufacturing
as a Director of Sales Operations. She has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with a minor in Political Science, is certified in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution and has completed a graduate program in Genocide and Human Rights at the University of Toronto.
The Ombuds is an entity that operates independent of the Board of Directors, offering a safe path in reporting grievances and complaints without risk of retribution or retaliation. The Ombuds promotes fair and equal treatment and acts an as impartial and independent body for the Dodgeball community in Canada. The Ombuds will receive complaints and triage them and will be the escalation path in disciplinary appeals.
The dispute resolution and conduct policies of Dodgeball Canada will remain in effect and will be used to address issues arising. The Ombuds, however, will assess and triage all submissions, grievances, and complaints and refer them to the relevant parties for a timely resolution unless the grievance is for the Ombuds to manage directly. Submissions may also be made for the sole purpose of "going on the record", without a desire by the complainant for further action to be taken.
Both the Ombuds and Governance Officer, will provide oversight to the complaint and disciplinary process to ensure Dodgeball Canada abides by its established policies.
Complaints can be submitted here: https://forms.gle/AK3yCsCSTrGdzTzC7
Please note that these are for issues relating to conduct, ethics, or other impropriety. Any concerns relating to policies, events, equipment, orders, etc. should be directed to info@dodgeballcanada.org